crossorigin="anonymous"> 2600+Teachers Vaccancies Approved by Punjab Govt - Upcoming Jobs 2024

2600+Teachers Vaccancies Approved by Punjab Govt – Upcoming Jobs 2024

2600+Teachers Vaccancies Approved by Punjab Govt It is submitted that revised requisition has been prepared in the light of latest vacancy position obtained from the lower formation, for direct recruitment against the posts of Headmasters/Headmistress & Subject Specialists (Male & Female/BS-17), & Senior Subject Specialist (Male & Female/BS-18). The detail of the posts is as

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2600+Teachers Vaccancies Approved by Punjab Govt Complete Details

Name of PostGender Total Number of Post
Male 225
Female 302
Subject Specialist
Senior Subject Specialist Male
Total Number of Positions are : 2226
2600+Teachers Vaccancies
  • It is pertinent to mention here that Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), Lahore, in its letter No. PPSC-RM-1-2018/293 dated 01.10.2018(copy attached) has raised the objection that posts of Subject Specialist (BS-17) and Headmaster (BS-17) are on same designation (BS-17) with multiple nomenclature as mentioned in the prescribed Service Rules. So, if the posts of Headmasters are to be filled separately along with Subject Specialist, then, their designation and rules must be specified separately in the Service Rules.
  • Keeping in view the above, it is worth mentioning that recruitment against the above said posts has also been completed in the year 2016 & 2017 on the basis of requisition prepares separately for Subject Specialists and Headmaster (BS-17) without amendments in relevant Service Rules as framed in 2014.
  • Now, as the process of amendments in Service Rules-2014 is ongoing.
  • Hence, as per previous analogy as explained vide para 04, the revised requisition for recruitment of subject cited posts, is hereby submitted for further consideration, please.

PPSC Jobs Advertisement 26/2023