Latest Constable and Wireless Operator Jobs in Sindh Police May 2024 has been announce thorugh Dawn Epaper Applications are invited from the legal heirs of Shaheed, Deceased, and Permanently Incapacitated Police Employees having domicile of Sindh Province for recruitment against the following posts of Head Constable (Wireless Operator BPS-09), Police Constable (BPS-07) & Driver Police Constable (BPS-07) under the Shaheed, Deceased, Invalidated, or Incapacitated Quota in Sindh Polic.eIn these Latest Govt Jobs in Sindh both Male and Female candidates can Apply in these Jobs and can get these Jobs in Pakistan after Completion of Jobs Procedure.
Date Posted | 30-04-2024 |
Industry | Government |
Hiring Organization | Sindh Police Department |
Jobs Location | Karachi and Multiple Cities |
Valid Through (Last Date) | 28-05-2024 |
Education Requirements | Matric/Inter/ Bachelor/Master |
Employment Type | Full Time |
No. of Posts | 300+ |
Newspaper | Jang/Express / Thews |
Address | Sindh Police Department Karachi |
Zip Code | 74000 |
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Latest Constable and Wireless Operator Jobs in Sindh Police May 2024-3283 Posts
Sr NO | Name of Post |
1 | Constable |
2 | Head Constable |
3 | Driver Costable |
4 | Wireless Operator |
👆 600+ Vacancies👆Â
How to Apply for latest Police Department Jobs?
- Application forms can be downloaded from the website of Sindh Police i.e.
- No online application shall be entertained after last date of submission of application.
- Incomplete application shall not be entertained.
- No relaxation in upper age limit, qualification and eligibility criteria shall be granted.Application form along with attested copies of documents i.e. CNIC, Domicile, PRC / Form-D, 04 recent photograph, Academic Documents, Death Certificate, Obituary & Heirship Certificate of Deceased / Shaheed Employee, order for permanently Invalidated or Incapacitated Employees (for Invalidated quota only), Declaration of Shaheed, FIR, Financial Compensation order for Shaheed Quota only), Affidavit of spouse / widow & other legal heirs of Shaheed / Deceased should reach the Central Police Office (CPO), I.I. Chundrigar Road, Lalazar, Karachi, through registered post/courier service.
- All applicants’ claim shall be considered, processed and entertained as per Sindh Police (Shaheed, Deceased, and Permanently Invalidated or Incapacitated Quota) Recruitment Rules-2021.
- The second claim for recruitment against Shaheed Quota shall be entertained only for those legal heirs whose fathers, brothers, or husbands embraced Shahadat after the promulgation of the Shaheed Act-2014 i.e. 11.06.2014.
- The actual verification of original certificates will only be done in respect of candidates who are called for tests / interview and any applicant having made an incorrect / false declaration shall stand disqualified automatically at any stage.
- The reserved quota will be utilized first for the Shaheed category, followed by the deceased and permanently incapacitated categories, as per Recruitment Rules, 2021.
- The date, time, and venue of all tests / interview shall be intimated through SMS or website of Sindh Police .
- In this regard, candidates must visit the portal / website from time to time.
- No TA / DA will be given for test / interview.
- Sindh Police has the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies.
- Candidates shall undergo Physical, Written, Driving Tests (for the post of DPC) & Interviews.
- Candidates qualified in Physical test shall only be called for written test.
- Test venue and date shall be communicated separately.
- Candidates who do not fulfill the given criteria are advised not to submit online application.
The last date for submission of online applications is 28.05.2024.
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